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The ProductionCrate community is massive. We have over 1,000,000 users, and we are growing faster and faster every month.

This is only possible because users like you are sharing, recommending and using ProductionCrate. We decided it was about time you can start earning at the same time.

We’re extremely happy to announce ProductionCrate Affiliates.

Anyone can sign up, share our platform, and get 15% anytime someone signs up after clicking your link. The best part? This isn’t a one-time deal. We’re a subscription service, so every year the Pro Account remains active you can get 15% again. Forever.

You’re already sharing our platform, now we can finally show you our gratitude and give something back. Sign up today, and become a ProductionCrate Affiliate!

Create an Epic Space Scene

Using After Effects and Element 3D Adrian and Chris teach you some tricks to creating a cool space-travel scene!


FREE USS Space Crate 3D Model   Use our Free 3d Spaceship model with textures in your own space-scene!

FootageCrate Space Travel Assets   Here you can find our lightspeed and star assets

Chromatic Aberrator Script   The Chromatic Aberrator Script is available to Pro Members and is perfect for any space shot

Video Copilot ORB  We love this Free plugin from – make sure to check it out


Dust and Smoke VFX Collection

Download your HD Smoke and Dust VFX here

One thing that completes any VFX shot is dust and smoke. They bring a truly gritty atmosphere to any action sequence, and shall forever be a must-have for any serious film producer!

There are two ways you can become a pyrotechnic expert and blast your shot into the next level. The first is to do these effects practically, whether that is setting off fog machines on set, or even using a smoke-grenade. While this may sound like the fun option, it is not always the most practical due to cost, time to set-up, and making sure you operate this equipment safely.

The second option is cheap, quick, easy and only a click away! We have a gigantic collection of dust and smoke VFX assets for your video, all ready to be deployed into your film-production workflow to make your scene look stunning.

Our smoke plumes in action!

So what do we have?

Our bundle includes atmospheric smoke, fog, gigantic plumes, volcanic ash clouds, bursts and dozens of other variations! All of these effects are ready to download, after which you can composite them into your video through software such as After Effects, Hitfilm, Nuke and any other with multi-layer features. We have pre-keyed all of our footage to make it as simple as possible for you to drop them into your composition.

We recommend that you apply a subtle tint effect to your smoke effects so that they match the color of the lighting around them. Another useful tip is to once again tint the overall color to very lightly lean towards the colour of the sky, with a greater tint for further away smoke. 

Download HD Smoke and Dust VFX here

If you want to learn more about how you can improve your VFX quickly, read our article on adding rubble to your video.

Bow & Arrow Sound FX

We’ve been recycling the same arrow swoosh and bow-twang sound effects for nearly a year, and decided to do a complete overhaul of our bow and arrow sound effects.

This was a two stage process. First, Chris and Adrian joined a professional audio engineer and a shockingly talented archer to record some foley. Arrows, feathers, bows, strings, and quivers were all recorded individually before being mixed together for the final effects.

Microphones were posted by the target, in the middle of the archery range, on the bow and boom mic’d right on all the movement. We captured everything we could.

Don’t worry, we timed our setup while no one was shooting arrows (especially not Chris or Adrian!)

See how close the mic was to the target? Luckily our archer was top-notch

The second stage process was working with our crew over at Suite Tracks to create the digital sound effects. These are more stylized, and can be used in tandem with the foley sounds to create every conceivably needed bow and arrow sound effect.

Check them all out here

We have plenty for free, and even more exclusively for our Pro Members.

5 New Epic Tracks

Epic. That word gets thrown around a lot these days. We’re glad to bring you something truly epic. Our 5 latest tracks available on SoundsCrate are just that.

If you have soldiers marching into battle, heroes putting on the mask, or villains finalizing their plans, then the Epic Category is the place for you.

Now with 13 Total Tracks, find the right vibe for your scene.

The 5 Latest Tracks include


Final Fight (Pro)

This track is perfect for the hero-overcoming-obstacles scene. It’s not chipper, but is darker than some tracks.


Into Battle (Pro)

Darker tones, with a large-scale intensity. This is ideal if your warring orc army or legion of dead need to sharpen their blades and paint their faces.


Annihilation (Pro)

It starts out with an almost evil intensity. Perfect if your villain nearly has Pandora’s box, or your Pharaoh is about to sacrifice your film’s heroine.


On a Quest (Free)

This is a fun track. Great for the start of the journey, your idealistic young Prince doesn’t know the foulness that lays beyond his father’s realm, and is ready to charge off with his best friend.


Restless (Free)

Similar vibes as On a Quest, but more of a build-up than the beginning of the journey. Things aren’t quite settled, but something is about to happen.


Check out these wonderful tracks. We’re so excited to use them in our #SaturdayMorningTutorials and other films!