5 search results for: dirt material 3 in newsroom.

1 Download 3D Castle Models for Free

Free Castle 3D Model Kit – Download Now

Download the free photorealistic 3D castle kit for your 3D projects here. For a limited time, you can access an incredible 3D castle kit to use in your projects with no price at all. With over 60+ unique modular 3D assets, this pack provides an unlimited degree of freedom to create the perfect medieval empire. […]

2 Z Depth Fog in AE Tutorial

Create Fog for CGI Renders in After Effects!

Fog and atmosphere always look awesome, but rendering them is still a pain. Noise, trouble with lights and lack of control (and of course slow rendering speeds) make us dread rendering fog scenes. Our approach is to add fog in post-production as often as possible using a depth pass. This trick is cheap and easy! […]

3 learn substance painter - beginner tutorial

Learn Substance Painter Today!

Substance Painter is a powerful tool, now provided from Adobe, that let’s you texture your 3D assets with ease! This insane software is incredibly fun to use, but can be a little intimidating if you don’t know where to start. Thankfully, Mellow Mike is here to save the day. Check out this incredibly fun tutorial […]

4 Ocean Cinematic Creator Pack

The Ocean Cinematic Creator Kit

Ocean scenes for films, games and illustration are a challenging task. You may think you’ll only need a blue background, but there are many subtle features that make an ocean realistic. ProductionCrate’s mission is to empower our community with unlimited creative freedom, with over 10,000 professional VFX, sound effects, and 3D models. The diverse range […]

5 Rubble VFX thumbnail

New Rubble and Debris VFX!

Many artists try to avoid the deep end of the pool with their projects. Setting yourself up with an overly demanding goal will always push you to your limits, a goal such as turning your scene into a war-ravaged battleground! But now, you can dive into the deep end will full confidence! We’re happy to […]