5 search results for: rev jump in newsroom.

2 using vfx you can't see

Hidden Visual Effects

Story: The Great Unseen Equalizer in VFX There is an art to using VFX as an unseen tool. So much consideration goes into the curating of what you, the viewer, see at any given moment, that it is easy to forget about what you don’t see in a shot. But more often than not, what […]

3 get more youtube subscribers

How We Increased Our Youtube Subscriber Count

We started our Youtube Channel in 2009, 10 Years ago. ProductionCrate’s subscriber count is just around 68,000 today. In the last 365 days we have grown by 44,369 subscribers, about 65% of our entire subscriber count. That’s about 9 years of little to no growth, and then an awesome turn of events. Now, don’t get me […]


New Bullet Hole Assets!

Download HD bullet hole impact VFX assets here! Too often do we overlook one of the must-have features of a gunfight in our VFX. Bullet holes! I’ve seen a lot of fight scenes involving a shootout simply focus on the muzzle flashes, but seemingly jumping over the fact that for every bullet shot, there is […]


Saturday Morning TutorialsEpisode Guide

Episode 41   Harry Potter Wand Effects Tutorial Chris, Adrian, and the reformed Professor Unicorn prepare to battle his old apprentice; Ellen, The Hidden One! Enemies become allies, a student confronts her former mentor, and the fate of all the magic in the world is at stake in the finale to Season 3 of Saturday […]