19 search results for: audio in newsroom.

1 learn to use the essential sounds panel in adobe's Premiere Pro

Quickstart Guide to Audio in Premiere Pro

In this QSG, we look at working with audio for filmmakers, editors, and mograph artists. Here are the essentials you need to know to quickly create high-quality audio in Premiere Pro.   Clipping is Bad Premiere Pro measures audio in decibels. The audio should never hit 0 decibels on the meter, which causes clipping. Clipping is […]

3 Download 30 free bassdrop sound effects

30 Free Bass Drop Sound Effects

Bass drops are one of the greatest tools in your audio arsenal. The low, core shaking tones are perfect when you need emphasis in your scene. Whether you’re making an epic title intro or pummeling a villain, try a bass drop. You won’t be disappointed. We’ve added 30 Free Bass Drop Sound Effects.  We have […]

4 paparazzi sound effects

Camera Related Sound Effects

Whether your character is being stormed by paparazzi, a detective capturing proof of a crime, or an explorer who has found the lost city, they’re going to need some camera sound effects. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. SoundsCrate now has over 20 New Camera Sound Effects. Polaroid cameras, electronic shutters, various clicks, zooming and […]

5 Spaceship Sound FX

Spaceship Sound Effects Pack

  Spaceships, done right, can be iconic.   They’re a character in their own right. Just think about your favorite spaceship. The Millennium Falcon, Serenity, Battlestar Galactica, Starship Enterprise, they’re all as much a part of your favorite movies and shows as the actors are.  The best ships are the ones that have personality (figuratively […]

7 Meteor Explosion VFX Breakdown

Meteor VFX Breakdown – Quick Tutorial

No disaster movie is complete without an apocalyptic meteor effect. This Davesplanation breaks down the steps we went through to create our very own asteroid impact using VFX! This was built using a variety of software and ProductionCrate assets, including: 3D Photoscanned Meteor Model – A high-quality photorealistic asteroid that had been digitally scanned from […]

8 Transitions, Skulls, pumpkins and more

Halloween Bundles for Download

Halloween is nearly upon us. It is our favorite Holidays here at the Crates, which should come as no surprise. Nothing is more fun than creating skull animations, 3D pumpkins, terrifying music, silly ghosts and scary sound effects! Our spookily-spectacular assets will be your perfect tools for building the best Halloween ever. Whether you are […]


5 Premiere Pro Time Saving Tips

Saving time is essential for any editor. Here are 5 tips when working in Premiere Pro’s Project Panel   1) Create a Bin (folder) structure and organize your footage before you start editing. The more complicated your project is, the more important this step is.  Create folders to sort your footage (interviews, b-roll/cutaways, voice-over, music, […]

10 dynamic linking with premiere

5 ways to connect Premiere Pro and After Effects

There are a variety of ways to connect Premiere Pro and After Effects. Premiere is used primarily for editing video and audio in a clean timeline. After Effects is most often used for Visual Effects and Motion Graphics. They are both available in the Adobe Suite and are essential tools for any video editors. 1.  Replace with […]