2 search results for: man attack light 02 in newsroom.

1 Ocean Cinematic Creator Pack

The Ocean Cinematic Creator Kit

Ocean scenes for films, games and illustration are a challenging task. You may think you’ll only need a blue background, but there are many subtle features that make an ocean realistic. ProductionCrate’s mission is to empower our community with unlimited creative freedom, with over 10,000 professional VFX, sound effects, and 3D models. The diverse range […]

2 Create a Nuclear Explosion with VFX

Nuclear Bomb VFX Tutorial

A few days ago we covered creating a missile launch VFX shot. But now it’s time to take a look at the receiving end of the attack and build out one stunning looking explosion! If you’re new around here, welcome! ProductionCrate is your friendly-neighbourhood source for creative assets, ranging from VFX, sound, music and motion graphics. We have […]