5 search results for: mew in newsroom.


VFX Artists: Self Teach or Online Education?

We have half a dozen VFX artists working at ProductionCrate, with our education ranging from completely self-taught to entirely curriculum based. For new and prospective VFX artists, there eventually comes a time in your educational journey to choose between taking online classes, or to be entirely self-taught. Our artists are very familiar with this fork […]

2 from youtube to hollywood

From Youtuber to Hollywood – Interview with Chris Clements

The first time I heard of Chris Clements was when my brother forwarded me “Star Wars SC38 Reimagined”, a wonderful video which reinvigorated the somewhat dated Visual Effects in the original Star Wars. The quality of the work was impressive, from the stunt to the effects. We’ve been doing some interviews with various artists on […]


the Best Free Software for VFX

We know how expensive adding visual effects to your films and videos can be. ProductionCrate started because utilizing VFX  was a difficult and costly process. In our journey to bring you professional and accessible assets for your projects we have come across software that shares a similar vision. Here is our list of the top […]

4 Merrel Davis Mise En Place the most simple, repetitive tasks in television production

Mise En Place the most simple, repetitive tasks in television production

Every profession has a special way of preparing for the task at hand, and we’re no different in the world of media and content creation. Ever see a professional chef organizing ingredients or sharpening knives in the preparation of dinner service? That’s called mise en place, which translates to “everything in its place.” Mis en […]


Missile VFX Tutorial!

While most special effects created practically do look incredible, not every studio has the budget to launch an inter-continental ballistic missile. But fear not! Your perfect shot of the nuclear apocalypse kicking into action can be created harmlessly using our missile VFX assets that you can download for free! This tutorial will work in pretty much any […]