2 search results for: repetitive in newsroom.

1 Merrel Davis Mise En Place the most simple, repetitive tasks in television production

Mise En Place the most simple, repetitive tasks in television production

Every profession has a special way of preparing for the task at hand, and we’re no different in the world of media and content creation. Ever see a professional chef organizing ingredients or sharpening knives in the preparation of dinner service? That’s called mise en place, which translates to “everything in its place.” Mis en […]

2 using vfx you can't see

Hidden Visual Effects

Story: The Great Unseen Equalizer in VFX There is an art to using VFX as an unseen tool. So much consideration goes into the curating of what you, the viewer, see at any given moment, that it is easy to forget about what you don’t see in a shot. But more often than not, what […]