from youtube to hollywood

From Youtuber to Hollywood – Interview with Chris Clements

The first time I heard of Chris Clements was when my brother forwarded me “Star Wars SC38 Reimagined”, a wonderful video which reinvigorated the somewhat dated Visual Effects in the original Star Wars. The quality of the work was impressive, from the stunt to the effects.

We’ve been doing some interviews with various artists on our new Craters Youtube Channel,  and I figured this was a great time to get to know a bit more about Chris and the work he does. He told me about his start on Youtube creating fun VFX sketches and shorts. His Youtube channel was discovered by some folks in the industry, who contacted Chris for some work. From there he’s gone on to work for Hollywood films and TV shows such as Deadpool, Terminator: Dark Fate and Netflix’s The Punisher series. Check out the full interview here.

And if somehow you haven’t seen Scene 38 Reimagined, watch it now!