5 search results for: equipment in newsroom.

1 Download Photorealistic 3D Office Models

Download Photorealistic Office Equipment 3D Models

Download the Photorealistic Office Furniture and Equipment 3D models here.  We’ve built an exciting asset library of 18 high-quality 3d models designed to help you create digital office environments. Many 3D artists may need to create an interior scene, but face the tedious task of creating each accessory that fits inside. That is why these […]

2 using vfx you can't see

Hidden Visual Effects

Story: The Great Unseen Equalizer in VFX There is an art to using VFX as an unseen tool. So much consideration goes into the curating of what you, the viewer, see at any given moment, that it is easy to forget about what you don’t see in a shot. But more often than not, what […]

3 get more youtube subscribers

How We Increased Our Youtube Subscriber Count

We started our Youtube Channel in 2009, 10 Years ago. ProductionCrate’s subscriber count is just around 68,000 today. In the last 365 days we have grown by 44,369 subscribers, about 65% of our entire subscriber count. That’s about 9 years of little to no growth, and then an awesome turn of events. Now, don’t get me […]

4 Merrel Davis Mise En Place the most simple, repetitive tasks in television production

Mise En Place the most simple, repetitive tasks in television production

Every profession has a special way of preparing for the task at hand, and we’re no different in the world of media and content creation. Ever see a professional chef organizing ingredients or sharpening knives in the preparation of dinner service? That’s called mise en place, which translates to “everything in its place.” Mis en […]

5 Dust and Smoke VFX thumbnail

Dust and Smoke VFX Collection

Download your HD Smoke and Dust VFX here One thing that completes any VFX shot is dust and smoke. They bring a truly gritty atmosphere to any action sequence, and shall forever be a must-have for any serious film producer! There are two ways you can become a pyrotechnic expert and blast your shot into […]