4 search results for: monitor in newsroom.

3 Download Photorealistic 3D Office Models

Download Photorealistic Office Equipment 3D Models

Download the Photorealistic Office Furniture and Equipment 3D models here.  We’ve built an exciting asset library of 18 high-quality 3d models designed to help you create digital office environments. Many 3D artists may need to create an interior scene, but face the tedious task of creating each accessory that fits inside. That is why these […]

4 Shooting with slog2

Achieve True Cinematic Footage with log

What do people mean when they say ‘cinematic’? You’ve seen the videos suggesting harsh color-grading, or the tutorials that tell you to just throw on some aspect-ratio bars. The truth is, there is no simple one-step solution. Quality footage shot with dynamic range will allow you to create the exact look you want. There are […]