242 search results for: product in newsroom.

61 Z Depth Fog in AE Tutorial

Create Fog for CGI Renders in After Effects!

Fog and atmosphere always look awesome, but rendering them is still a pain. Noise, trouble with lights and lack of control (and of course slow rendering speeds) make us dread rendering fog scenes. Our approach is to add fog in post-production as often as possible using a depth pass. This trick is cheap and easy! […]


Become Kakashi with VFX!

Who isn’t inspired by their childhood? The aesthetics and styles we grew up with influence us daily. I took that inspiration to another level. Kakashi, a character from the Naruto anime series, was always one of my favorites. His awesome powers were always so iconic, I knew I had to try and recreate them with […]

64 Free Funny Music

Download 15 Free Funny Music Tracks for Video Editors

Comedy is hard It is one of the least forgiving genres. Setting up a joke and missing the mark is painful. The best way to avoid falling flat is to warm your viewers up and make them ready to laugh! A great way to do this is by utilizing comedy music in your edits. Your […]


Download Crate’s Face Relighter for After Effects

Download Crate’s Face Relighter for Pro users here Windows Compatible Only When compositing VFX into live-action footage, one thing is absolutely essential to get right – lighting. This is the most powerful and crucial aspect of blending visual effects into video. When done correctly, replicating the real-world behaviour of light helps convince your viewers that what […]

66 Chris Kelly Presents the Monthly Crate Update

Monthly Crate Update – September 2021

We’re constantly asked where is the best place to stay updated on all the new content. The answer is right here! Watch the latest Monthly Crate Update and find out what new 3D assets, visual effects, sound effects, music and graphics are available for you to download. You can also watch entries into the famous […]

67 free script for adobe ae

Texture Flow – Free AE Script

Sign in to your account and download our free TextureFlow Script here! Projection mapping to flat, non animated objects is pretty easy. It’s even easier if you use our Projection Mapping Script (also free!) But what do you do if you want to map on to an animated surface? This is something we’ve struggled with in […]

69 learn substance painter - beginner tutorial

Learn Substance Painter Today!

Substance Painter is a powerful tool, now provided from Adobe, that let’s you texture your 3D assets with ease! This insane software is incredibly fun to use, but can be a little intimidating if you don’t know where to start. Thankfully, Mellow Mike is here to save the day. Check out this incredibly fun tutorial […]

70 Crate's Toolbox

Download Crate’s Toolbox – After Effects Extension

We have amazing scripts, many of them completely free, for After Effects. Crate’s Camera Shake, the Hologram Generator, Crate’s Chromatic Aberration and tons of other useful tools are available for download on ProductionCrate. Accessing these amazing products is now easier than ever before. With our free Crate’s Toolbox, you can download and install our After Effects […]