29 search results for: break in newsroom.

1 Meteor Explosion VFX Breakdown

Meteor VFX Breakdown – Quick Tutorial

No disaster movie is complete without an apocalyptic meteor effect. This Davesplanation breaks down the steps we went through to create our very own asteroid impact using VFX! This was built using a variety of software and ProductionCrate assets, including: 3D Photoscanned Meteor Model – A high-quality photorealistic asteroid that had been digitally scanned from […]


Creating Dynamic Space Animations in 3D

Professional VFX and mo-graph artist Jonathan Winbush demonstrates how to create simple 3D space scene animations. He did it by using Cinema 4D, Unreal Engine, and After Effects. Additionally, all of the assets used came from ProductionCrate. These include 3D Space models, Sci-Fi Sound Effects, and our brand new Space HDRI’s. First, he used Cinema […]


VFX Artists: Self Teach or Online Education?

We have half a dozen VFX artists working at ProductionCrate, with our education ranging from completely self-taught to entirely curriculum based. For new and prospective VFX artists, there eventually comes a time in your educational journey to choose between taking online classes, or to be entirely self-taught. Our artists are very familiar with this fork […]

7 Download 3D Castle Models for Free

Free Castle 3D Model Kit – Download Now

Download the free photorealistic 3D castle kit for your 3D projects here. For a limited time, you can access an incredible 3D castle kit to use in your projects with no price at all. With over 60+ unique modular 3D assets, this pack provides an unlimited degree of freedom to create the perfect medieval empire. […]


Become Kakashi with VFX!

Who isn’t inspired by their childhood? The aesthetics and styles we grew up with influence us daily. I took that inspiration to another level. Kakashi, a character from the Naruto anime series, was always one of my favorites. His awesome powers were always so iconic, I knew I had to try and recreate them with […]

